4 pennies

Shopping at Publix where my dollars go SO far – NOT! This morning I went to Publix for the yogurt brand everyone loves (Liberte’ yogurt is amazing it’s so good plus I have coupons for it!) – I got a few spices, some shiritaki noodles (tofu noodles for me) and flour, sugar, pasta sauce …- not a thing was non-food and the Publix computer wanted 4 more cents. Called it food tax. I can’t imagine what they wanted tax on and gods know I didn’t have any money. The clerk asked me twice very impatiently if I wanted to suspend my order and go to the customer service desk. I said NO, I don’t want to go to the customer service desk and stand in another line for 4 cents. There should be no tax. I bought NO non-food items. She didn’t know how to find it or fix it and insisted on her 4 pennies. So I made her wait while I dumped my purse for the 4 pennies. I found 3 and a quarter. What a bunch of crap. I swear, I don’t care who I make wait, or make uncomfortable these days. If I have to be treated like this, people will have to watch it.

I’m unemployed and I use an EBT card. My clothes are rattier than they were 2 1/2 yrs ago. I am still a wife, a mother, a grandmother, and a very nice lady. But I’m getting angrier than I ever imagined I could be. Especially when the beautifully manicured family in suits and lovely dresses behind me, take the time to let me know they don’t mind waiting.

About Morning Knits

I believe in and practice positive living. I love YARN, cooking, music, bird watching, herbs, and gardening. I am passionate about YHWH the Elohim of all the earth. I believe it's our responsibility to tend that earth. I basically do my thing in a quiet, amused way. I believe in laughter, and the power of combined prayer. I am a true homebody. I have 6 kids, all home-born and successfully breastfed. They are all grown. I'm the oldest of 9, daughter of a missionary mother who lives in Kenya, and I have a spoiled service dog and 2 rescued cats. Right now, there is balance after yrs of unemployment. My disability was approved due to degenerative discs, fibromyalgia, and obesity. That last is hard to say. I believe we owe it to ourselves to protect our mental health. It's precious and the one thing we can control. I would rather not do my own housework and I talk too much. I bought a house in North Carolina which I ended up leaving for my husband to sell. I'm a two-time caregiver. My husband and I are separated due to stroke complications and personality difficulties. I am in Texas now. The one place on earth I said I'd never go unless Yah moved me there and HERE I AM! G and I are sharing a small apartment and so far, things are going well.
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4 Responses to 4 pennies

  1. Kathy says:

    Absolutely unreal! Honestly, the energy it took her to give you such trouble over the four damn cents really will come back to her in an unwanted way. So sorry you were treated so unkindly.

  2. Cordelia says:

    The folks behind you are the ones that bother me. I have always tried to lend a helping hand when I could and have been very thankful to those who helped in our times of need. Sad our society seems to be so withdrawn in to ourselves that many can’t see the opportunity to share some kindness in front of them.

  3. CottageWitch says:

    i ran across many times to let the pennies go when i worked in the grocery store for that year. i always chipped the missing money in myself or let my drawer be off a little. and when i am in line and someone is short, i cover it because i can and there may be some day that i can’t. i have met a ton of people who use ebt who have glazed eyes and a look of “how did i get here?” across their faces. they slipped the card under the counter or quietly slid their card through the machine and pray no one notices them. i was always discreet and helpful. it’s the ones who whip it around like it’s their right, with their just-done nails and hair and their designed clothing as they pack up and drive off in their brand new suv. if they were not receiving benefits when they clearly do not really qualify, more money could be given to those who really do need it and you wouldn’t be struggling as badly as you are. i shall hop off my soap box now, but damn this makes me mad!!! love and hope are what i send to you my dear!!! this will all end soon!

  4. CottageWitch says:

    sorry for the typo’s! i was clearly fuming LOL ❤

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